HFS for Students and the Housing Justice Working Group of UAW 4121 spoke at Be: Seattle’s virtual series of workshops aimed at addressing dormitory failures ensuring access for all UW students.
The three participating organizations jointly aim to eradicate inequalities in the Seattle housing market. Be: Seattle is focused on helping communities at risk, including the homeless and marginalized people unable to keep up with skyrocketing rental prices, while HFS for Students and UAW 4121 are specifically focused on the UW student population. HFS for Students is aimed at students supervised by HFS, and UAW 4121 is the union that represents doctoral students and postdocs to ensure equal opportunities and fair working conditions.
“We are fighting to ensure that the UW’s housing and catering services are democratically organized by the students so that they best meet the needs of the students,” said Alisha Foster, a student in environmental sciences, during the workshop.
HFS for Students cited a 2019 report suggesting that around 190 students in all three locations do not have stable housing, and around a quarter of students are concerned about not having enough to eat.
“What is worrying is that this study is from 2019, before the pandemic,” said Foster. “So we can assume that students experience this more often and more drastically today.”
In addition, HFS locations charge much higher prices than competitors for products such as eggs and dairy products.
“For example, [a dozen] Eggs are almost $ 7 [at the District Market] unlike Target, where they cost about $ 2.50, ”said Kip Diaz, a bachelor’s degree in engineering.
Despite higher prices at HFS locations, employees do not receive any additional compensation for their services. Student employees are also not members of the catering trade union.
“We asked [UW]”Is there a reason HFS is run as a company?” said Sephora-Clotilde Zoro, an undergraduate student, at the workshop. “We didn’t really get a straight answer.”
The HFS for Students organizes on 11.11. from 5.30 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. a mixer with a location to be determined.
The Working Group Housing Justice of UAW 4121 presented their tenant toolkit for doctoral students and postdocs supervised by the union during the workshop.
“Besides the members of our group, we had a really great discussion this week about the key goal of lowering the rent burden so that no one – not just our members – at the university who is a student or postdoctoral fellow is” rent burdened, “said Sharon Crowley , an office manager at UAW 4121.
Be: Seattle urged attendees to send a letter urging Governor Jay Inslee to extend the rental moratorium until the pandemic ends. The organization also encouraged attendees to email the Seattle City Council in support of the Solidarity Budget, which focuses on providing public services to the most vulnerable communities through an amendment that allocates $ 500,000 to the Provides for the formation of tenants.
“We always try to end on an action,” said Kate Rubin, CEO of Be: Seattle. “Assert your power.”
The next Be: Seattle workshop will take place on November 29th at 6 p.m. and will deal with housing insecurity in the queer community. Registration takes place online.
The replay of the October 27th workshop and other previous Be: Seattle workshops are available on YouTube.
“We believe that breaking up with the police and investing in the community is the way to make Seattle a fairer,” said Rubin.
Be: Seattle is currently seeking volunteers and board members to help with flyers, tables at farmers markets and other events, as well as volunteer application developers.
HFS for Students is also trying to raise awareness through its Instagram page to connect with students who are interested in addressing the inequalities in the services provided by the UW as the essential staff responsible for the services The front lines are responsible, get paid risk-free.
“Part of the way we talk about these workshops is just to go to farmers markets and events and talk to people,” said Rubin.
Reach reporter Julie Emory at news@dailyuw.com. Twitter: @ JulieEmory2
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