Rant & Rave: A wave from a stranger delights this Seattle granddad on his morning walks


RAVE to the anonymous young woman who greeted me, an 87 year old grandfather, with a pleasant wave on my regular early morning stroll through the Seattle University campus.

RANT to people who burn wood outside in residential areas. King County residents are allowed to burn seasoned dry wood in residential areas outdoors. People have to wonder if they have a yard big enough to do this. Many of us don’t have air conditioning and want to open the windows when it’s warm. There are also many people who suffer from asthma. It’s horrible that people are forced to close their windows because their neighbor is burning wood and making s’mores in their garden. The smell of burning wood gives me a headache. It pollutes the air and is very harmful to the environment. It is a health risk to people who have to breathe this air. Please be more considerate and stop burning wood in your garden!

RAVE To the great person at Mountlake Terrace who left several bags of used tennis balls (each bag containing 10 balls) for everyone on the tennis court at Ballinger Park. Thank you, neighbor!

RANT to our new neighbors who allow their two dogs to bark incessantly in their dog run. It drives your neighbors crazy. Bring your barking dogs inside!

RAVE to the three caring gentlemen who came to my aid when he fell on East Roanoke Street one Friday afternoon. They made sure he was okay, called 911 and stayed with him until the paramedics arrived. Our family thanks you for your kindness and compassion.

RANT to the person who put a large bag of unsorted garbage in my trash can. It’s not very nice to have an older, steady income person pay for their trash.

RAVE to the person who lost and found my wallet and returned it to Costco. A few weeks ago I went shopping in Issaquah. I loaded the things in my car and drove home. When I got home, I found that I didn’t have my purse. I had my car keys in my purse so I must have somehow left (lost) my purse in the parking lot. I was devastated beyond words; I imagined catastrophic consequences never to see my purse again. Among other things, there were my driver’s license, my check book, my bank card and my wallet with cash in my handbag. I got my purse back later that day. Someone took it to the Costco lost property offices. NOTHING was missing. I can’t figure out who that person was. My deepest gratitude and belief in the goodness of humanity will stay with me forever. I am tearful now as I write this letter.

RANT to the safety lines at Sea-Tac! An hour in line is insane. People miss their flights!

Submitted by Seattle Times readers
The Seattle Times publishes reader rants and raves based on available space. We reserve the right to edit by length or content. Send yours to rantandrave@seattletimes.com.