Ttoday wais the day. After this Years the anticipation, Jeff Bezos in the end Left our planet this morning– by his own will, be clear, and only briefly. Shortly before 6:15am Pacific Time, Blue origin‘s New Shepard Flight shot away of a desert of west Texas. The Amazon founder rode next to brother Mark, Astronaut pioneer Wally Funk, and a 18 year old Dutch student WHO is especially not the person who only pay $ 28 million for the right to participate, only at consist because of “Planning conflict”so” (tHais person Got to come from seattle). They were a little more than in flight 10 Minutes before return to our burning realm.
Jeff Bezos’ space trip highlights Blue Origin
Naturally billionaire Space travel feels like thank you for yesterday’s news Virgo galactic Founder Richard Branson, WHO beat Bezos by nine days to punch the galactic blow. Amazon’s former CEO said it all the magnanimous things after Branson’s touchdown–“@Richard Branson and crew, congratulations on the flight. Can’t wait to join the club!” he Instagram– subtitled-but to lose a two-decade long space race by just two weeks is a must injured.
Still, Start this morning was a big moment for Blue Origin, the Kent-based company Space company Bezos started in the 2000, four years before Branson got Virgin Galactic from the soil. In January, Blue Origin won a coveted lunar lander contractjust to see how the model is selected by SpaceX from NASA is orr next trip to the moon (Blue Origin protested). The flight on Tuesday Positions the Company as a leader in development commercially Space tourism, uh, space, which will just transport dirty rich at first-Virgin reportedly sold 600 seats at $ 250,000 a pop. Not a word yet what Blue Origin tickets will cost, however You can bet Bezos announced in February that he would would resign as Amazon CEO, become be heavily involved in the rollout.
Andy Jassy and the Annals of Amazon
Bezos’s Successor, Andy Jassy, not official Take the reins of the e-commerce giant by July 5th. The Buffalo wing enthusiast inherits S-Team in transition, with a Exodus of executives in the past 18 months, per The New York Times‘s intrepid tech correspondent Karen Way. Jassy’s first day as CEO came a few days after the company two new “leadership principles” added on the list of 14 that Amazons can recite apparently by chance in the Evergreens series: “Strive to be Earth’s Best Employer” and “Success and Scale Bring Wide Responsibility”. Workers at a Toasty Fulfillment Center in Kentent and across the country would love to see the company live up to its high words. Something for HQ Office types to think how they use you new bicycle allowance.
Is the MeCrosoft-Google feud Back to?
File this in the Department of B.I g Teh C.Companies Acting L.ike NoationS.did it. Microsoft and Google have ended a five-year “armistice”, Language that would to do much More Sense if it were you say, Countries at war. So what does the end of a Armistice means in Big Five language? Basically that she can sue each other again, as soon as possible. Patent litigation had caused the deTo attempt, in which companies would try to resolve their differences without calling the manager (regulators). B.out Sundar and Satya could not dissolve recently Dispute over displayVertising Technology — Microsoft Says Google’s technology gives his search engine one leg over Microsoft’s Bing in attracting advertising revenuewhile it is being sucked up by the publishers at the same time-So here we are. Clippy‘s back just in time something not loosen any tension as antitrust threats are swirling.
A boost for fair wages by Stephen Curry
Pay equity startup Syndio recently landed Investment of $ 1 million from Stephen Curry-backed investment firm. The star of the Golden State Warriors is digging Syndios Focus on fair pay; the company creates software that can help HR departments remove”illegal pay differentials based on gender, race and ethnicity. ” Nordstrom and Salesforce are among those who to use Syndiothat decided at the beginning of the year not to renew his lease in Pioneer Square.
Bits and bytes from Nintendo, University of Washington and more
Seattle startups are flush, both with cash register and People. Amperage joins that Rows of unicorns. Nintendo announces a. at new switch model. Amazon‘s Kindle Vella Debuts. And University of Washington Researcher can take photos now in … videos. No, they didn’t just forget to turn “Live” off on their iPhones. Instead, the researchers developed machine learning Method that converts still images into endless videos. Think of falling waterfalls, dawdling clouds, Currents flow.
Alexander Hołyński, PhD student at the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and engineering, says the idea came from an app that produced a similar effect but required significant user tinkering in order to work. Machine learning could automate this process, at least for natural scenes: waterfalls always flow downwards. Rivers flow across. “It seemed like exactly the kind of thing a deep learning algorithm could learn,” says Hołyński. “It could learn how things should move.”
The UW team used online videos to train their deep learning algorithm for everything from waves to heavy churn. The group then developed something called (somewhat unfortunately due to their focus on waterfalls) “splatting”. They predicted how the pixels in the images would align before and after the moment they were taken; Then they combined the two videos into one streaming image.
So far Hołyński and companies have only focused on natural landscapes. The method would not work if, for example, a person crossed into the picture; the movement must be continuous and predictable. But the researchers hope that one day they can apply this movement to each of the thousands of photos on your phone to show someone’s hair blowing in the wind. “I mean, when you’re thinking about something that you want to look at or get a picture of, it’s very rare that those things are completely static, isn’t it? There is usually some exercise. And to be able to reproduce that for old photos, for something like photos of my grandparents, that would be wonderful. “
But would it be real? Hołyński admits that the animation combines authentic and synthesized information – a plausible best guess, but not the truth. This is one of the reasons the group has so far focused on “irrelevant” images instead of prone to deepfakesfa. “It’It will never quite be real. “But they can come close. Instagram approved.
Hello! These was the first edition of a monthly column recaps News from the Intersection of local technology and culture – events you may have missed in this mercilessly fast, and often all nebulous, Cycle of innovation. But even the beatwriters can’t keep up with everything. To do you know of a Seattle Jump start Things that doesn’t make the eyes glaze over at the Parties? A company that behaves bad? A developer trying to hack the Mercer light Cycle? Have been Interested. Send Your Tips too [email protected] or @bybencassidy on Twitter. DMs are always open.