Every week on Sunday evening we update the local pandemic statistics and record the news of the week.
KING COUNTY CUMULATIVE NUMBERS (until Friday – they don’t update on weekends):
* 161,406 cases – 2,813 more than a week ago (5,769 total in West Seattle, up 84)
* 8,344 hospital admissions – 95 more than a week ago (245 total from West Seattle, plus 3)
* 1,970 people have died – 28 more than a week ago (73 total in West Seattle, unchanged)
Vaccination rate
82.4% of King County’s residents over 12 have completed their vaccination series (up 0.5% over the past week).
By West Seattle zip code:
98106 – 84.2%
98116 – 88%
98126 – 79.9%
98136 – 89.7%
98146 – 79.9%
(You can find more COVID-related statistics on King County here)
Tomorrow, King County’s new requirements come into effect for:
* Restaurants / bars (if you eat / drink inside)
* Indoor recreational events or facilities (including many Seattle Parks Facilities / programs)
* Outdoor events from 500 people
Details and how to view your vaccination status (or a negative test result) can be found here.
NOT YET Vaccinated?
Here’s where you can change that. Otherwise for everyone waiting for the city to announce its promised vaccination center in West Seattle – not a word yet; the last update was that they were hoping to have it up and running by “early November”.
the YOUR medicine Inspection service in Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex Parking lot (2801 SW Thistle) still in operation; You can schedule an appointment here, although readers report that walk-ups have been accepted. Meanwhile it is Remedies Test kiosk at Don Armeni boat ramp (1222 Harbor SW) is also still in operation. In addition, both are West Seattle Walgreens Shops offer drive-up tests (35th / Morgan and 16th / Roxbury) – more info here.
booster – After this update from Scientific Security Review Working Group of Western States, they are now recommended to all J&J recipients and certain Moderna recipients in our state, as well as previously recommended Pfizer recipients. See the latest details here.
grants – This week the city announced a new round of grants to help stabilize small businesses.