12:05 pm: Thanks to Patricia for the tip. That’s the Seattle City Light Map for an outage affecting more than 100 customers east of the Luna Park area since about 11:30 a.m. SCL attributes this to “device errors”.
12:22 pm: the West Seattle Health Club is without power (we couldn’t reach them on the phone so we just went to see).
2:05 pm: We don’t know if this was related to the first outage, but now 3,100 more customers north of the original outage zone have also lost power.
The SFD log shows that at least two business fire alarms were triggered by the outage – not uncommon – so if you notice any emergency response, it likely is.
2:15 pm: Commentators point out that the new failure area Admiral Safeway and Metropolitan market – a large section of the Admiral business district.
2:36 pm: the Admiral Theater is also one of the companies affected.
2:47 pm: The second failure is also attributed to a “device failure”.
2:56 pm: Some customers now have their energy back. The second failure zone has dropped to 455 per SCL, and the original 107 are still failing. In the meantime there is a crash at one of the intersections where the signals have failed – this was reported shortly after 2:30 a.m. at Admiral / 41st, where Admiral’s lanes to the east are closed:
3:13 pm: SCL says via Twitter that “the root cause is being investigated.” If we don’t get details of the cause today, we will follow up tomorrow as always. The outage map shows the 455, which still failed after a power outage at 2:00 p.m., are located in an area immediately west of the still failed 107, whose power went out at 11:30 a.m.
5:10 pm: The original outage – 107 customers east of the Luna Park area – is over in over five hours